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The Very End
S3 licensed
Each time I try to visit the links you post I get "
"Assetto Corsa support forum - Error"

And it claims I dont have the rights, even tho I am logged in as a member and everything. Any ideas?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Interesting news, and thanks for taking the time to communicate with us

I am very happy to hear that you (the devs) are considering of relasing content before the tyre physics are done. From what I'v understand the tyre physics has some time left before done, and it would be a shame to idle the other updates if there are things that are polished enough to be released.

But it's summer, so how the feck cares, off to the sun outside and cancer I go!
The Very End
S3 licensed
As a sidekick / sidequestion Scawen, what is your veiw on the setups in general? Would it be beneficial for the community to have options like fixed setups, or allways-sharing in public/league racing?
I'm not taking sides or saying your opinion actually would do any difference - since you have stated that it's not this reason why you won't fight it.

For me I think fixed setups / allways sharing setups would be a blast. All that was the difference between the drivers where the drivers themself.

Then again someone would get pretty cross on me, claiming me to be a lazy **** who could and do not want to figgure out how to make a propper set, aswell that they would say it's a part of strategy to have secret setups.

So I guess it boils down to this: You people (now asking the other members here) think that secrets should be a key for victories, or should it be equally grounding between the drivers?
The Very End
S3 licensed
1: Use
2: Close this topic
3: Might sound rude, but these kind of topics allways attracts warmongers and kids and allways ends up beeing an unpleasant experience.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Jesus christ lol, this is even more messed up than me!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :because it's not gay if it's on the moon

So that means that if I'd get gangbanged in space it would neither be rape nor homo since it's space... right?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha, thats a pretty clever joke
The Very End
S3 licensed
About the fuel eco - did they upgrade the driving computer (if this car has it?) aswell? Because from what I'v heard the driving computer will show the incorrect numbers if that aswell is not updated with the new powers.

But as for now it's kind of on hold due to various reasons. I talked with the incurance company about the matter and how they would stand in this. They simply said that if any modifictions was done to this car = ban from the insurance Tried talking some reason with them but nope, not going to happend.

So before I aproach them first I will have to send some applications to the norwegian roaddepartment (no idea what it's in english is called, but the place where you get everything from license plates to other papers for your car) with confirmation letters from mazda that the car is supported for the new setting ASWELL that the toll customs needs some papers aswell Then, and only then, would the incuranse company be a "maybe" and most likely more costly.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Dawe, can't we just play allong and be friends, for once?
The Very End
S3 licensed
So you mean that chiptunning seriously will lower the lifespan of the engine? It's a car I want to drive a lot, and hopefully will have til it dies (it's economically and I like it) (and I though 300 000+ km was/is a good range for a car) :/
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thanks for the input
How does it perform on the clutch? From what I'v heard it's a big risk that the clutch goes to shit if you upgrade the engine
The Very End
S3 licensed
The hell, that is just wrong I just want a little more power, which will help the driving to some degree and save a penny here and there for fuel (with sensible driving), not a 500 beastmachine!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Yeah the services will be as before, once every year to make sure everything is allright :]

But speaking of the 1.6L engine which now currently produces 116HP, is it withing reasonable margins "safe" to increase it as much as up to 150? (There seems to be even higher but Im not going to even botter about that, I don't want to ruin me car). The car is pretty new, from 2011 and I bought it in feb. Done around 20 000km's so far.

Lastly, on these regular services, wouldn't they find the chip, and then hand my ass over to the incuranse company? Or will they never check this? From what I'v understood it is close to impossible to be caught for tuning, at least here in Norway.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thanks for clearifying that, that it indeed is a different engine. Looked it up now and as you say it's a 2.0 compared to my 1.6.

When it comes to economy I think that more power (but to a certain level, somewhere the more power = less economic no matter how economic you drive) can help getting the eco lower. However to track that I would need to drive with the same speed at same distances / places I do now. Ideally I would have to use less trottle and the engine would have an easier time doing the same route, the second i desides to go bonkers with it it would eat petrol like a... well insert something here which suits that!

Also, I totally agree that some basment idiots can most likely never outperform compared to an team of engineers. However, a lot of new cars comes in different classes where everything is almost the same, but the engine is producing less power to fit in a cheaper class. Here in Norway you pay a pretty good amount for each HP on the car. It might just be speculations that the car manufactors reduce the power of the engines to fit the different price classes, but to me it does not seem too far fetched.

Nevertheless, I'm really thankfull for inputs and the discsussion around it. If it comes to the point where it would put the whole engine in risk with everyday driving due to a silly modifiction I would say feck it.
But these DK guys seems rather proffessional (again, not compared to an engineer, but at what they does) with how they make invidually chips for invidually cars aswell as several years varanty (IIRC). Price wise if I deside to do this it's around 800 Euros - and then after that I will have to re-register the car to make sure the papers and insurance is allright
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha jesus christ what? xD You mean I should just buy a new engine?
Question regarding chip'ing (tuning) and engine
The Very End
S3 licensed

Summary: Mazda 3 (2011) 116HP Diesel with turbo wants more power for.. fun and economics on sunday drives.

However, it's a jungle out there and a lot of crappy stuff, so I am a bit confused and not in good trust of whats out there, please help!

After some searching it seems the powerbox alternative (you add an box to a socket to/from your driving computer) is horrible and should never be used. So I'm thinking of chipping / computer tuning the whole thing. From the looks and promisses of other pages it seems like the engine easily can be tuned up to around 150(a little under)HP without causing too much problems. This I'm planning to do in Denmark from RH motorsports, which seems like a serious bounch of guys.

So, some questions:
1: With more power it will of course use more fuel on heavy loads, but since the engine is increased in power wouldn't it use less on normal road driving / cruising? Currently I'm around 0.43-0.48l. fuel each on various roads.

2: Will it result in a damaged engine over time?

Also, it seems like the new mazda 3 from 2013 and onwards comes with standard 150BP disel engines, so I'm wondering if that actually is the same engine as what is in mine, and therfor won't do any harm at all? In any case it means that my engine is down-tuned to 116BP to make it less costy since you pay for each HP.

Please help!
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The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :If a game gets updated frequently but makes it worse, is it truly an update?

That's what I feel has happened to iRacing. The physics used to be passable a long time ago, but each update has made them worse.

It is I'm not sure how the physics developed over the years for that game, but it's progress even if it feels like it's going in the wrong direction.

But Iracing's model is expensive, I think AC is a better one, where you ultimately have to pay for DLCs. I'm not a big fan of DLCs, but I can accept it.

And some people above in this thread pointed out that AC has 12 developers while LFS has 3, that might be true, but still 3 developers can create a lot. It might be slower, but it will not mean the project is stopping like it does in LFS atm. We can only hope that Eric has been graphically updated the whole game and added a bounch of cars and tracks by the time the tyre physics comes out. IF they ever comes out that is.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :So would you prefer the iRacing strategy of release shitty physics and half-assed content every 30 minutes?

I did not mention Iracing, and I have not played it since last year either, so don't accuse me of beeing a fanboy of it

And actually, yes I agree to subsription fees like online games have. Sure, it costs more, but there are progress every week. At least for a spoiled **** like me I prefer to pay to get an updated game
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Xenix74 :Tsts....
Kunos work 4 years on assetto corsa (12 dev)
Lfs has 3 devs ....... Calculate yourself

Lfs is nearly Perfect, i can wait 10 years for "pure perfektion"

There is no such thing as pure perfection, it's a computer game. It never was or will be the real deal.

And the strife for pure perfection in terms of it's physics is also the reason why it died. While physics is a great deal (the biggest) part of a driving sim, it alone canot carry the weight of time.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Someone call MTV, they'd make a great reality show about it.
(And some inside jokes)

Quotes from the series:
"I did not use drugs! What? Weed counts?"
"Ya'll mother****ers need to calm down, bitches ain't building Rome in a day!"
"That's it, them ****nuggets and imbreeds ain't worth it, to the bicycle!"
"Ah **** it! You broke it again!? How come that every god damn time we assemble to create the annually webside update about things we almost did everything goes to shit?"
"Why the **** did BoB Smith reverse TVE's ban? Hey! Find Bob's number!" (insert 24-ticking music here)
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The Very End
S3 licensed
Physics wise there are several, but AC feels more "live" compared to LFS. Netcode wise I think Iracing and AC beats it, but only by a tiny bit. The downfalls of the two above is the booking system, and that collision detection is a little off, other than that it's much more "fluid" / not so choppy. If you go for a spin in LFS the cars, even with low ping, bounces around and door to door racing in corners can be a problem.

And every SIM has a static enviroment is not entierly true.
What I mean with static in LFS:
There is no day / time change, the track deos not change at all, the cars have little to no wear of time and so on. Even in it's early form AC at least have dynamic time.

Let me correct myself, LFS is still good, but it's borring. It's been on hold since the last update which gave us the new South City config. Some language update and a DX update which mainly increased FPS (which most of us allready had plenty of) is not progress. Where is the new cockpit for the cars? Where is the westhill update? Where is the Scirocco? Where is Rockingham? Where is the better mechanical and visual damage?

All stoped, because tyre physics is obviously more important than everything else.
While I agree that physics is a MUST, they themself can not help the game, it's the whole package that is important. And at current time beeing LFS does nothing really great compared to others, it just sorts of... lingers on in the background. And that is thanks to the community, not the devs, thats for sure.
The Very End
S3 licensed
LFS was good, now it's okay-ish compared to what other games and projects can perform. Denying this makes you extremely arrogant, or just blindly. LFS was great for it's time, but it could not keep up. Even with a perfect physic update now it will not help for the static enviroment of LFS aswell as the same borring tracks
The Very End
S3 licensed
Then again, they might have reseted their statestics or done billions of miles before the reset of the stats in 2008. I am so damn borred by the retarded veiw that you have to have done at least 1 million km's to be able to complain on this forum.
The Very End
S3 licensed
What.. the.. flying **** am I watching?
The Very End
S3 licensed
After a lot of frustration I found a way to find at least some servers to drive on, thankfully to the "sort by" system which let me chose server when in booking - but you got to refresh a lot and be real fast to find a server of you will miss it.

Some thoughts of the actually racing:

* Most of the other guys have great ping, and even people around 150+- ping flows good for me. The ones above 200 or close to 300 feels like LFS online, a little bit of bumping about on track, but still possible to enjoy.

* Prepare to be wrecked, a lot.. if you think LFS drivebombs were bad just wait til you see what AC got in store for you But but.. best thing you can try to do is to qualify in the top bracker so you avoid some of the midfield mayhem.

* In reply of point above, there also are a good bounch of fair and really tallented drivers. I wish I could talk with them, but I guess there is a button or function I have missed, so for now I can only applaud for myself when I find one of these great lads I can keep up with.

* The joining system is retarded, no other words for it. It works, but they should get it removed asap and just make a simple list of servers with a lot of sorting options and instant joining system - at least beeing able to book while a race is going on is a must.

* There is some seroiusly wrong things going on when someone hit you or the other way around. More that ones have I been sent to an intergalaxic trip after a small touch by an foe or friend, and same have happend to others while hiting me. My ping is around 40-50 it seems (dont know if that is local ping or me <-> server), so it seems to not be related to my end.

So all in all, make a simpler system, giving options to talk / kick / ban and so on and it will be a good system. It really flows well in terms of lag.

Edit: How I lean in cockpit veiw btw? The keys are set up and works when in other veiws, but canot turn my head in cockpit veiw :O
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